Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan
Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan Description
Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan is an Eye Specialist from Karachi Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan is a certified Eye Specialist and his qualification is MBBS. Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan is a well-reputed Eye Specialist in Karachi. Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan is affiliated with different hospitals and you can find his affiliation with these hospitals here.
Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan Address And Contacts
Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan Address and Contacts. Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan is an Eye Specialist based in Karachi. Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan phone number is (+92-21) 6364738 / 6367286 and he is sitting at a private Hospital in different timeframes.
Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan Fees And Timings
Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan is one of the most patient-friendly Eye Specialist and his appointment fee is around Rs. 500 to 1000. You can find Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan in different hospitals from 12 to 8 pm. You can find the complete list and information about Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan's timings, clinics, and hospitals.
Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan Reviews And Comparisons
If you are looking for an Eye Specialist in Karachi then you can Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan as an Eye Specialist You can find the patient reviews and public opinions about Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan here. You can also compare Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan with other Eye Specialist here with the compare button above.
Dr. M. Zahoor-Ul-Islam Khan SPECIFICATIONS (Unofficial)
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User reviews
Based on 1 ratings
The day of surgery one of his apparatus gor fried and no backup was available he called in for another one I had my suspicios we shouldn't get the surgery done from him but my father kept on insisting that he is a good experience doctor. After the surgery My father eye got even worse as Dr. somehow left old cataract particles in his eye and kept on telling that it will get better by time but he know that it needed another operation. I would recommend everyone to not visit his clinic of you wanna get your eye fixed.
Yesterday my father had another operation of his retina because of the neglegance of Dr Zahoor, he is an old man and need to stop playing with his patients eyes for his fun...
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