Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani


Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani Description

Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani is a Family Physician from Mandi Bahauddin Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani is a certified Family Physician and his qualification is MBBS. Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani is a well-reputed Family Physician in Mandi Bahauddin. Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani is affiliated with different hospitals and you can find his affiliation with these hospitals here.

Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani Address And Contacts

Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani Address and Contacts. Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani is a Family Physician based in Mandi Bahauddin. Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani phone number is 92-332-8009404, 0332-8009404 and he is sitting at a private Hospital in different timeframes.

Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani Fees And Timings

Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani is one of the most patient-friendly Family Physician and his appointment fee is around Rs. 500 to 1000. You can find Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani in different hospitals from 2 pm to 6 pm. You can find the complete list and information about Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani's timings, clinics, and hospitals.

Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani Reviews And Comparisons

If you are looking for a Family Physician in Mandi Bahauddin then you can Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani as a Family Physician You can find the patient reviews and public opinions about Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani here. You can also compare Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani with other Family Physician here with the compare button above.

Dr. Ch. Usman Ghani SPECIFICATIONS (Unofficial)




DHQ Hospital M.B.DIN, Parwaz Clinic Ketchehry Road Mandi Baha-Ud-Din,Mandi Baha-ud-Din, Punjab, Pakistan


Mandi Bahauddin

Phone Number

92-332-8009404, 0332-8009404


Family Physician



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