16 January,2025 04:43 AM

, 16 Rajab 1446

Top 10 Universities In Pakistan For Engineering

Last Updated:
5 minutes

Pakistan is the Islamic country in South Asia was established in 1947. It is the sixth most demanding and populous country also. Pakistan is a country where people are educated, sincere and lovable. This country is highly eligible for spreading education in people. There are so many schools, colleges, universities and institutes where people get education. Here in this post I am sharing the top 10 universities in Pakistan for engineering below.

Engineering is a subject of mathematics, scientific, social, economic, empirical evidence and practical knowledge. It is the meaning of invent, innovative, design to build and established a components and materials after huge process. So, if you are searching for some best engineering universities in Pakistan then this post will definitely help you and give you the list of top 10 universities in Pakistan for engineering below.

Top 10 Universities In Pakistan For Engineering

10, NWFP University of Engineering & Technology:


NWFP University of Engineering & Technology is the most popular university in Pakistan. It is located in Peshawar and widely famous for its various courses in the field of engineering. This university offers wide range of courses such as Agriculture Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Agriculture Science.

9, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT):

Top 10 Universities In Pakistan For Engineering

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) is the popular university in Pakistan. It is located in Islamabad and established in 1998. The university is famous for engineering and information technology courses. It offers wide range of courses in engineering field like Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication & Networking electrical (Computer) Engineering and Nanosciences & Technology Mechanical Engineering courses.

8, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES):


National University of Computer and emerging Sciences is also known as NUCES which is a popular private research university in Pakistan. Its main headquarter is located in Islamabad and campuses are also situated in Lahore and Karachi. They offer different engineering courses in professional method. Students get all education in the field of engineering as they offer various courses like Telecom Switching & Networks Digital Communication, Engineering Economics and Computer Network Engineering Drawing.

7, University of Engineering and Technology (UET):

Top 10 Universities In Pakistan For Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology (UET) is the popular institute in Lahore, Pakistan. It is a public research university was established in 1921. UET is the higher ranking institute of Pakistan which offers academic programs in business management, social sciences, law, engineering, philosophy and natural. They offer wide range of courses in engineering field like Chemical Engineering, Water Resources Management, Computer Engineering, Geological Engineering and Hydropower Engineering.

6, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology:


Mehran University of Engineering and Technology is another top listed and popular public research institute. It was established in 1963 in Jamshoro, Sindh. It is the higher ranking institute of management and engineering that offers courses in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Industrial Engineering.

5, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila (UET):

Top 10 Universities In Pakistan For Engineering

This University of Engineering and Technology is located in Taxila, which is a campus of UET, Lahore. This university is much famous in Pakistan because it is equipped with same facilities students get in main campus. The university offers wide range of courses in the field of engineering and technology. They offer Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electronic and electrical Engineering, Mechanical and aeronautical Engineering, Telecommunication and information Engineering and Industrial Engineering courses.

4, NED University of Engineering & Technology (NED):

Top 10 Universities In Pakistan For Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology is the oldest and most popular institute in Pakistan. It was established in 1922 to provide civil engineers work in building of Sukkur barrage. It is the biggest engineering university in Karachi. This university is famous for their engineer and science education while it offers academic programs in other faculty like fine arts, philosophy and humanities. NED University offers wide range of courses in the field of engineering like Civil Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Software Engineering and many more.

3, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute Of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI):


Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute Of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI) is a private research university. It was established in 1988 in Topi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It has six academic departments of science and engineering. It offers wide range of courses in engineering field like Computer Science & Engineering, Engineering Science, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Material Science Engineering.

2, National University of Science & Technology (NUST):

Top 10 Universities In Pakistan For Engineering

National University Of Science & Technology (NUST) is a university was established in 1991. The main campus is located in Islamabad while its campuses are in Rawalpindi, Risalpur and Karachi also. This university came popular in all in a very short time period. It was established to provide best education in the field of economics, finance, social sciences and managements. It offers high quality education in engineering which includes Engineering Management, Microwave Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering.

1, Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS):

Top 10 Universities In Pakistan For Engineering

Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) is located in Islamabad and considered as the popular university of Pakistan. It was established in 1967 and the chairman of this university is Muhammad Naeem. It offers academic programs like scientific, technological education & research and engineering. They provide best education in the field of Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, Physics and Medical sciences.


I found this list of top 10 universities in Pakistan for engineering, after long term analyze and search on Google. These universities are really very popular in Pakistan. They offer wide range of courses in the Engineering field.



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