US Dollar Rate in Pakistan - USDPKR Exchange Rate

The Pakistani Rupee (PKR) to US Dollar (USD) exchange rate is a crucial factor that affects the economy of Pakistan. The value of the rupee against the dollar is a significant determinant of inflation, foreign trade, and investment in the country. In this article, we will discuss the factors that influence the dollar rate in Pakistan and the current exchange rate scenario.

Factors affecting the dollar rate in Pakistan

  • Balance of Payments: The balance of payments is the difference between the total inflow and outflow of foreign currency in a country. If there is a deficit in the balance of payments, it means that the country is importing more goods than it is exporting, which leads to an increase in the demand for foreign currency, including the US dollar. As a result, the value of the rupee decreases, and the dollar rate increases.
  • Political and Economic Instability: Political and economic instability in a country can result in a decrease in investor confidence, which leads to a decrease in foreign investment. This decrease in foreign investment leads to a decrease in the demand for the local currency, causing its value to decrease and the dollar rate to increase.
  • Interest Rates: Interest rates play a crucial role in the value of a currency. If a country has high interest rates, it attracts foreign investors, which increases the demand for the local currency, causing its value to increase and the dollar rate to decrease. On the other hand, if a country has low interest rates, it discourages foreign investment, causing the demand for the local currency to decrease, and the value of the currency to decrease, resulting in an increase in the dollar rate.
  • Inflation: Inflation is a key factor that affects the exchange rate. If a country has high inflation, it leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of its currency, causing the demand for foreign currency to increase. This increase in demand for foreign currency leads to a decrease in the value of the local currency and an increase in the dollar rate.

Current Exchange Rate Scenario in Pakistan As of February 1, 2023, the exchange rate of the Pakistani rupee to the US dollar is approximately PKR 170. This rate has remained relatively stable over the past year, with minor fluctuations. However, the overall trend has been towards a depreciation of the rupee against the dollar, which can be attributed to the factors mentioned above.




22 Jun 24



In conclusion, the dollar rate in Pakistan is affected by various factors, including the balance of payments, political and economic stability, interest rates, and inflation. Currently, the exchange rate is PKR 170 to the US dollar, which is relatively stable, but with a tendency towards depreciation. It is essential to monitor the exchange rate regularly to understand its impact on the economy and to make informed investment decisions.

USD/PKR Historical Price (Last 30 Days)

22-06-2024 USD277.7 PKR280.6 PKR
21-06-2024 USD277.8 PKR280.7 PKR
20-06-2024 USD277.7 PKR280.6 PKR
19-06-2024 USD277.6 PKR280.5 PKR
18-06-2024 USD277.6 PKR280.5 PKR
17-06-2024 USD277.6 PKR280.5 PKR
16-06-2024 USD277.6 PKR280.5 PKR
15-06-2024 USD277.6 PKR280.5 PKR
14-06-2024 USD277.6 PKR280.5 PKR
13-06-2024 USD277.6 PKR280.4 PKR
12-06-2024 USD277.7 PKR280.5 PKR
11-06-2024 USD277.7 PKR280.4 PKR
10-06-2024 USD277.75 PKR280.5 PKR
09-06-2024 USD277.85 PKR280.6 PKR
08-06-2024 USD277.85 PKR280.6 PKR
07-06-2024 USD277.75 PKR280.5 PKR
06-06-2024 USD277.5 PKR280 PKR
05-06-2024 USD277.5 PKR280 PKR
04-06-2024 USD277.25 PKR279.9 PKR
03-06-2024 USD277.5 PKR280 PKR
31-05-2024 USD277.25 PKR280 PKR
30-05-2024 USD277.25 PKR280 PKR
29-05-2024 USD277.25 PKR280 PKR
28-05-2024 USD277.6 PKR280.2 PKR
27-05-2024 USD277.5 PKR280.1 PKR
26-05-2024 USD277.25 PKR280 PKR
25-05-2024 USD277.25 PKR280 PKR
24-05-2024 USD277.25 PKR280 PKR
23-05-2024 USD277.35 PKR280.1 PKR
22-05-2024 USD277.35 PKR280.1 PKR

Open market rate refers to the exchange rate between two currencies that is freely determined by the market through supply and demand.


The weakness of the Pakistani rupee can be attributed to a number of factors including inflation, a large trade deficit, and a decrease in foreign investment.


In 1947, 1 US dollar was worth approximately 4 Pakistani rupees.


The average exchange rate for the US dollar to the Pakistani rupee in 2017 was approximately 104 Pakistani rupees to 1 US dollar.


In 2015, 1 US dollar was worth approximately 104 Pakistani rupees.


The average exchange rate for the US dollar to the Pakistani rupee in 2008 was approximately 68 Pakistani rupees to 1 US dollar.


In 2000, 1 US dollar was worth approximately 60 Pakistani rupees.


The average exchange rate for the US dollar to the Pakistani rupee in 2013 was approximately 97 Pakistani rupees to 1 US dollar.